Time might seem linear to most souled beings, yet the lines that draw such a concept have many layers no individual living in this universe could ever hope to comprehend.
Time might seem linear to most souled beings, yet the lines that draw such a concept have many layers no individual living in this universe could ever hope to comprehend.
A country as icy as it is dangerous, Fjerda borders Ravka to the north and threatens regular breaches and attacks.
Watch out for their highly-skilled Druskelle, witch hunters who target Grisha in a bid to lower Ravkan defenses. Both resilient in combat, the Fjerdans and Grisha may be more similar than they first think...
A country as icy as it is dangerous, Fjerda borders Ravka to the north and threatens regular breaches and attacks.
Watch out for their highly-skilled Druskelle, witch hunters who target Grisha in a bid to lower Ravkan defenses. Both resilient in combat, the Fjerdans and Grisha may be more similar than they first think...
A country as icy as it is dangerous, Fjerda borders Ravka to the north and threatens regular breaches and attacks.
Watch out for their highly-skilled Druskelle, witch hunters who target Grisha in a bid to lower Ravkan defenses. Both resilient in combat, the Fjerdans and Grisha may be more similar than they first think...
A country as icy as it is dangerous, Fjerda borders Ravka to the north and threatens regular breaches and attacks.
Watch out for their highly-skilled Druskelle, witch hunters who target Grisha in a bid to lower Ravkan defenses. Both resilient in combat, the Fjerdans and Grisha may be more similar than they first think...
A country as icy as it is dangerous, Fjerda borders Ravka to the north and threatens regular breaches and attacks.
Watch out for their highly-skilled Druskelle, witch hunters who target Grisha in a bid to lower Ravkan defenses. Both resilient in combat, the Fjerdans and Grisha may be more similar than they first think...